My Favourite Rhymes Part - 1

  • Class: KG
  • Author: Priti Anand
  • Category: English
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN: 978-81-910313-6-2
Price : ₹199

Product Summery

Rhymes at the kindergarten level build memory capabilities. My Favourite Rhymes has a collection of rhymes that help in cognitive development by introducing the young learners to new words, rhythm, sound, patterns and more. Colourful pictures in the book expand their imagination and social skills and lay a strong foundation for language and learning.

Tab Article

Rhymes at the kindergarten level build memory capabilities. Rhymes Of Pleasure has a collection of rhymes that help in cognitive development by introducing the young learners to new words, rhythm, sound, patterns and more. Colourful pictures in the book expand their imagination and social skills and lay a strong foundation for language and learning.